
Monday, April 22, 2019

Recycled Turtle Craft

My boys got a pet turtle last fall, so turtles have been a popular topic here. One day, my 4 year old asked if we could make a turtle craft so I looked through my stash and we made these:
Recycled Turtle Craft
Here's what you'll need to make your own cute little turtles: applesauce cups (washed and dried), green craft foam (or construction paper), googly eyes, scissors, permanent markers, glue sticks.

Start by tracing your applesauce cup on the foam or paper. Draw a head, legs and tail around that circle and cut it out. My 9 year old cut his own out, but I did have to cut out my 4 year old's.
Recycled Turtle Craft
Color the applesauce cup with permanent markers...unfortunately washable markers won't stick to the plastic. Make sure your child is wearing an apron or play clothes that can get stained.
Recycled Turtle Craft
Liberally apply the glue stick around the rim of the applesauce cup and glue it to the craft foam.

Glue on googly eyes and draw a smile.

You now have a happy little turtle.
Recycled Turtle Craft
I linked up to the Wonderful Wednesday blog hop.

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