
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Activia Selects

As moms, our lives are busy…whether we’re working or staying home to take care of the kids. We are running around trying to meet the needs of our children and homes and we are the first things that we forget to take care of. Everything a mother needs is often put on the back burner, including nutrition.

I am incredibly guilty of this. I would be humiliated to admit publicly what my lunch consists of many days of the week and have received more than one scolding from my husband. It’s just so much easier to grab a handful of chips to tide myself over until dinner while I’m heaping fresh fruit on my children’s lunch plates. Please tell me I’m not the only one!

This is why products like Activia Selects are so wonderful! There is such a variety to choose from and they are so easy to grab out of the fridge and eat at the table or on the run. Not only are they convenient, but Activia Selects contains the unique probiotic culture Bifidus Regularis which helps to regulate your digestive system when consumed daily for two weeks as part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle, in turn helping you feel better-just what every mom needs!

imageI was given the opportunity to try strawberry flavored Activia Selects Greek. Because I had heard so much about Greek yogurt, I couldn’t resist the chance to finally try it and it was true to all of the reviews I’ve heard. The texture was chalky, but I think I could grow to really enjoy Greek yogurt. I was disappointed because though the package said “thick & creamy” there was fruit chunks in the yogurt (I am a creamy, no-chunk yogurt kind of gal!).

There are several different cultural recipes in the Activia Selects family including Greek, French, and Parfait and I would love to try all of them…I just wish they didn’t cost more than twice as much as regular yogurt. Despite the price, I am greatly tempted to try Activia’s suggestion to implement the Selects yogurts into my daily routine for two weeks to see how much it affects my overall may just be worth paying twice as much to feel x amount better :).

To download a coupon for a free cup of Activia, visit here! To learn more about Activia, please visit this site.

I wrote this review while participating in a campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Dannon Activia Selects Yogurt Series and received a coupon to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate. However, my opinions are entirely my own and I have not been paid to publish positive comments.


  1. I love Activia and eat it everyday with some fruit for breakfast. Love it.

  2. I've never tried the.Greek but i love Activia! I get the large size and would eat it in one day. I first started using it in my smoothies. It makes them taste so good. I'm also a smooth and creamy girl. I hate chunky yogurt.

